Sunday, 15 December 2019


I've addded my code. Can you share some books or video cources that will be helpful to write code according to Themeforest quality standart? I'm resigning as a moderator from all Stack Exchange sites, effective today. The BS classes are not used like should, ie. A minimal business theme, ideal for health professionals. The7 is perfectly scalable, performance and SEO optimized, responsive, retina ready multipurpose WordPress theme. quentin themeforest

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It is a strong platform for a website launching. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. They do not provide an example of coding. Responsive single page portfolio. It gives more control over given content.

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I'm resigning as a moderator from all Stack Exchange sites, effective today. Active 2 years, 8 months ago. Can you share some books or video cources that will be helpful to write code according to Themeforest quality standart?

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Asked 2 years, 8 months ago. I think a problem is in code structure and organization. Have you ever asked Themeforest? My first template has been rejected already. Email Themefoest, but never shown. ThemeForest has guides for templating.

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Also it's a good practice to use content divs, for example in the About sections' Team members, there could be divs like team-member-img, team-member-name etc. Judging by your code provided I would say it's not completely valid by the BS standards. It will fit every site — big or small.

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